"If I go into the place in myself that is love, and you go into the place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and I are truly in love, the state of being love. That's the entrance to Oneness."

— Ram Dass

About Om With Ash

Om With Ash was created as a sacred space to honor all the moments life brings—those filled with joy and celebration, and those marked by grief and challenge. In a world so vast and brimming with people, it’s easy to feel alone, disconnected, or caught in the cycle of seeking validation and worth through comparison.

But here’s the truth: the power to shift your life lies within you. You already hold the wisdom to transform your reality into one that uplifts and energizes you. Through self-discovery and inner work, you’ll realize that while our paths may look different, we are all navigating this life together—and you are never truly alone. The world is here to support you, not work against you.

A loving approach

Om With Ash is your gateway to tapping into your inner magic. It’s a space where you can break through the barriers of limiting beliefs, rewire your mind to embrace new possibilities, and find the courage to walk the path of authenticity—even when it’s uncomfortable.

I offer a variety of tools and practices to guide you, and I’m here to connect you with trusted referrals for support beyond my scope. My mission is simple: to empower you to trust your own wisdom, embrace your unique journey, and confidently live a life that feels aligned and fulfilling.

Let’s create the space for you to become unapologetically YOU.